On my Trusted Sources page, I mention that I subscribe to just three established newspapers: The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Guardian. Like a growing number of readers and citizens, I have been sadly disappointed in the two major U.S. papers and their horse-race, both-sides, clickbait-driven coverage of this seminal election. And like a growing number of former subscribers to The Times and The Post, I have considered canceling my subscriptions to both papers in protest.
But I have decided to stay the course, simply because what these ‘papers of record’ say continues to be of great importance to American politics and elections… for better and worse. (Yes, they both do a great deal of exceptional journalism as well.)
The mainstream press is failing America – and people are understandably upset
But in my opinion, The Guardian – the oldest British newspaper founded in 1821 – is a standout exception. And in this editorial in their September 6 edition, Rebecca Solnit – a consistently insightful voice – takes mainstream American media to task for its dismal failure in objectively reporting on this presidential election that will, whoever wins, have enormous consequences on the future of our country, and thus the world.
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